Is It Too Dangerous To Return To Your Home Country?
If you are an immigrant and you cannot return to your homeland because of civil conflict, a natural disaster, famine or other extreme circumstances, you might have the option of seeking Temporary Protected Status, or TPS. However, securing refuge under TPS is not easy – it will require the help of a skilled immigration attorney.
You can turn to the Law Office of Belia A. Peña for help. Ms. Peña has years of experience assisting individuals and families in navigating the complex immigration laws of the United States. She works with clients from countries around the world, particularly Haiti. With her assistance, you have a better chance of remaining in the U.S. temporarily to avoid the unsafe conditions in your native land.
Understanding Temporary Protected Status
In 1990, the federal government created Temporary Protected Status to shield immigrants temporarily from the danger of having to return to unsafe conditions in their home countries. Immigrants who receive temporary protected status have the authority to work legally in the United States for up to 18 months. TPS also halts an existing removal proceeding. Unfortunately, TPS applies to immigrants from only 16 countries, including Haiti. You must also renew your status yearly. Although it is not a pathway to a green card, it ensures your safety in the short term.
What Is The Process?
The procedure for petitioning the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is filled with complicated paperwork and other steps. The process involves:
Filing Form I-821, Application for Temporary Protected Status.
Gathering other important documents.
Paying the fee, if you are applying for the first time.
Submitting photos, signatures and biometrics to the Application Support Center.
Receiving your decision.
You deserve the help of an attorney like Ms. Peña to explain what you need to do, protect your rights and help you complete the process as quickly and cost-efficiently as possible.
Ask An Immigration Lawyer About TPS
Ms. Peña understands the urgency of your situation. Act quickly to speak with her about petitioning for Temporary Protected Status.
To begin, call her at 956-831-1424 or send her an email.